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Cline-Cole, Reginald | 2006 | 'Blazing a trail while lazing around: Knowledge processes and woodfuel paradoxes?' |
2011 | Subversive Spiritualities: how rituals enact the world | |
2019 | The Good University: what universities actually do and why it's time for radical change | |
2020 | Academic Knowledge Production and the Global South | |
Bhaksar, Roy | 2018 | Interdisciplinarity and Wellbeing: a critical realist general theiry of interdisciplinarity |
Brown, David | 1991 | Methodological considerations in the evaluation of social development programmes — an alternative approach |
Cornwall, Andrea | 2007 | Buzzwords and fuzzwords: deconstructing development discourse |
Freire, Paulo | 1978 | Pedagogy in Progress: The Letters to Guinea-Bissau |
Ingold, Tim | 2013 | Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture |
Powell, Mike | 2006 | Which knowledge? Whose reality? An overview of knowledge used in the development sector |
Powell, Mike | 2024 | IKM Emergent in Retrospective |
Powell, Mike | 2024 | IKM Emergent in Retrospective |
Collection: Engagement
Cline-Cole, Reginald | 2006 | 'Blazing a trail while lazing around: Knowledge processes and woodfuel paradoxes?' |
Engasser, Florence et al | 2018 | How to use theatre to involve the public in decisions about research and innovation policy |
Starling, Bella | 2018 | So in whose hands is the power in health research held? Researchers, or those people who should ultimately benefit from it? |
Collection: IKM
Powell, Mike | 2024 | IKM Emergent in Retrospective |
Welcome to IKM Emergent | ||
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Workspaces:1:Literature Review | ||
Meeting on complexity and evaluation |