

This paper was published, in a final version, as: Ewen le Borgne and Sarah Cummings (2009) The tip of the iceberg: tentative first steps in cross-organisational comparison of knowledge management in development organisations. Knowledge Management for Development Journal 5(1) 39-60 This paper investigate the variety of knowledge management (KM) and learning policies and strategies that have been developed by various development organisations in the past decade. It draws upon over 30 case studies yet offers but a glimpse of the current reality because organisations are usually not documenting or publicising their learning-focused activities. The paper first sets the scene in terms of knowledge and learning strategies and provides a brief overview of various strategies and models being followed. After an analysis of the drivers of a knowledge strategy, the paper explores which elements are likely to be found within strategic approaches, and then concludes with a cross-case comparison, an outlook on trends, and issues for further research.

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